Adding a Committee Participant

Participants can be added directly to a committee without going through the nomination approval/rejection process.

To add a participant directly to a committee, complete the following steps:

  1. Expand the Participation group item to view the list of group item links.
  2. Click the Add Committee Participant group item link. The Add-Committee Participation page appears.
  3. Complete the following fields as necessary:
Field Required? Description
name (l,f) Yes Enter the first few letters of the individual's name who is being added in the participant field and click the Search icon. A list of individuals matching the criteria is returned. Click the name of the individual being nominated to populate the participant field.
committee Yes Expand the drop-down menu and select the committee to which you are adding the participant.
position Yes Expand the drop down and select the committee position for which the individual is being assigned. You must have added committee positions to the committee prior to this step.
funded No

Click the check box if the participant will be in a funded position.

renewable? No

Click the check box if the participant will have a renewable position.

voting? No

Click the check box if the participant will have voting rights.

status No

Expand the drop-down menu and select the status of the participant.

status date Yes Enter the date the participant's 's status changes as he/she is added to the committee.
start date No Enter the date the participant begins their term on the committee. Entering a start date in the future will add the individual to the future participants child form found on the Committee Profile.
end date No Enter the date the participant ends their term on the committee. The end date is used to end committee participation.
address No Enter the participant's address for contact purposes.
phone No Enter the participant's phone number for contact purposes.
fax No Enter the participant's fax number for contact purposes.
email No Enter the participant's email address for contact purposes.
url No Enter the URL for the participant's Web site (if applicable.)
pref. comm No Expand the drop-down menu and select the participant's preferred method of communication.
  1. Click the Save button. The Participant Profile for the newly added participant will appear.

Remember, individuals added to a committee using this method are automatically approved and considered members of the committee.

The start and end date fields control committee participation. If the current date is within the range set in the start and end date fields the participant is considered active. If the start date is in the future, the participant is considered a future participant. If the end date has already passed, the participant is considered a former participant.